The Best Foot Forward protocol, manual, casebook and related forms are professional materials available either as hard copy or electronic download. The links below take you to the order forms for hard copy or to the download page for a credit card payment. The electronic versions are compressed PDF files that download quickly and take up little room on your hard drive. You need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to read or print them.

Here is a price comparison for hard copy versus electronic download on two key items.

Never downloaded a whole book before?
Not as daunting as it may seem. The Clinical Practice Manual is a 1.7MB PDF file, with 152 pages and many colored illustrations and photographs. It takes about 12 seconds to download on a high-speed Internet connection. From Acrobat, you can read the text on your computer screen and then print what you want. Printing tips come with the download link. If you print the manual in color, you get a handsome finished product but it loves drinking ink (about 1/4 of your inkjet cartridge). For a do-it-yourself manual, the front cover is a separate download if you wish to print on card stock and get it spiral bound.

Citation of electronic sources
The American Psychological Association (1999, August 9) recommends the following reference format for citation of electronic sources. This would apply to Best Foot Forward materials downloaded from this website and the overview paper listed above. The main differences from conventional APA referencing are:

  • a retrieval date statement
  • the URL for the website page from which you accessed the book or article.

For example, if you downloaded the manual on October 2, 2003:

Kinowski, K. (2003). Put Your Best Foot Forward. Clinical practice manual. An
      EMDR-related protocol for empowerment using somatosensory and
      visual priming of resource experiences
. 2nd ed. Retrieved October 2, 2003,

Note the absence of a period at the end. Page numbers are integral to the manual, protocol, and overview paper, and may still be used.

Copyright © 2003-2004 Krystyna Kinowski. All rights reserved. Hosted by Green Ghost Web Hosting Co.